Rocklin Extended Family Photographer | Some of My Very Favorite People

“Happiness is not in another place, but this place; not for another hour, but this hour. “

-Walt Whitman

Not only was I enlisted to be the family photographer for my own family’s pictures, but also for my husband’s family, all within about a week! It was crazy and so much fun! My husband’s family isn’t able to get together as often and really, it only seems to happen every few years, so documenting being together is a must. It seems like there is always another baby since we last got together (I was pregnant with my fourth back then!), kids have grown and changed so much, and it is time for an update! I can’t help but love some of those real moments too (scroll through and those grumpy kids in the group shots are mine, which also meant getting a shot of my own little family here did not end up working out, but oh well. That is life sometimes!).

I have lucked out and been so incredibly blessed to have married into this family. We have lots of fun together and there is an amazing attitude of doing whatever it takes to help each other out. I love that drama has no place here. I love that the cousins are automatic friends and are always running around laughing with some new elaborate plan happening. I am grateful that they are not only family, but they are friends.


Roseville Newborn Photographer | A Sweet and Happy In-Home Session with a New Family of Four


Roseville In-Home Lifestyle Photographer | The Absolute Sweetest Little Baby